Tullamore & Tonic

Tully & Tonic is a simple & refreshing whiskey cocktail that suits every occasion. The sweet, fruit, spice flavours of Tullamore D.E.W. are complemented by the natural quinine of the tonic and the citrus of the orange wedge garnish. Best enjoyed with friends.
Tullamore  & Tonic


  • 50ml

    Tullamore D.E.W. Original

  • 150ml

    Premium bottled tonic water

  • 1 wedge

    Freshly cut orange 

1. Pour Tullamore D.E.W. Original into the glass & fill the glass to the brim with ice cubes.
2. Top with tonic water and gently stir with a bar spoon.
3. Garnish with a freshly cut wedge of orange and enjoy!
Tullamore  & Tonic