Irish Legend

The Irish legend is our take on a classic whiskey sour, a drink born from the character of Tullamore D.E.W. and the creative nature of Daniel E. Williams. With ingredients of rosemary, apple, lemon, lime and blackberry, this is a whiskey cocktail of mythical depth and complexity.

Perhaps the most popular cocktail with Irish Whiskey. See our Tully Sour recipe here.

Irish Legend


  • 45 ml

    Tullamore D.E.W. Original

  • 15 ml


  • 40ml

    Apple Juice

  • 10ml

    Lemon Juice

  • 10ml

    Lime Juice

  • 5ml

    Sugar syrup

  • 1 Sprig


  • 1

    Egg White

  • 10ml

    Crème de mure

1. Add all ingredients to shaker, except crème de mure.
2. Dry shake, add ice, then hard shake and strain into a rocks glass with ice
3. Sink the Crème De Mure
4. Add crushed ice and garnish
Irish Legend